We Welcome! You Choose! Let's Grow!
Welcome Families! Bienvenidos familias!
For any questions, please contact the school directly by phone (215-400-9140). Thank you.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la escuela directamente por teléfono (215-400-9140). Gracias.
Encuesta Para Padres
Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.
Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.
Find more information, including the forms you need HERE
Mission Statement Estado de la misión
Majors Information Información de Mayores
A New Message From Mr. Roth!
Hello Olney Families! I have wonderful news to share. Please take sometime to review this video that shows the amazing progress of our Olney School Community! We should all be so proud! Let’s keep the positive momentum going! Olney Love
English Data Video! – https://youtu.be/ROJX8MG7N6I?si=v60CTkAMFQsg6KvR
Spanish Data Video- https://youtu.be/atgk3_yR4Tk?si=RrDsXw78lgiXpRsF
Olney School Plan SY24-25
Welcome Back Message Videos Below from Principal Michael Roth:
Videos de mensajes de bienvenida a continuación del director Michael Roth:
Mr. Roth and the Admin Team (APs, Deans and Climate Supervisors)
Registration Process
-Please follow these steps if you would like to enroll your child in Olney High School for the 23-24 school year. (Directions in Haitian Creole)
-Families should list THE SCHOOL as their primary address, not their current address. This is to prevent current students that do not live in the catchment from being automatically sent to their neighborhood school.
-ALL current students will be allowed to enroll in Olney High School. If those students have siblings entering 9th grade that were planning to attend Olney, they will also be allowed to enroll in Olney. They should use the same process listing the school as their address.
-Families can enroll now using the online process or they will be able to come up to the school this July and August to enroll in person if they would like. We will have staff here during those months. We will share specific times in the next few weeks.
Proceso de Registro de Olney
-Siga estos pasos si desea inscribir a su hijo en Olney High School para el año escolar 23-24. Las familias deben incluir LA ESCUELA como su dirección principal, no su dirección actual. Esto es para evitar que los estudiantes actuales que no viven en la zona de captación sean enviados automáticamente a la escuela de su vecindario.
-A TODOS los estudiantes actuales se les permitirá inscribirse en la Escuela Secundaria Olney. Si esos estudiantes tienen hermanos que ingresan al noveno grado que planeaban asistir a Olney, también se les permitirá inscribirse en Olney. Deben usar el mismo proceso que incluye la escuela como su dirección.
-Las familias pueden inscribirse ahora usando el proceso en línea o podrán venir a la escuela este julio y agosto para inscribirse en persona si así lo desean. Tendremos personal aquí durante esos meses. Compartiremos horarios específicos en las próximas semanas.
School Sports Website! ¡Sitio web de deportes escolares!
Helpful Links:
School Calendars:
Title 1
School Information (Click on the Pic!) Información de la escuela (¡Haga clic en la foto!):
Bell Schedule (Horario de campana) 24-25:
Staff Directory 24-25 (Directorio de Personal)